One-on-one Efficiency training

Is your inbox often so full that you never get to the bottom of it?
Do you keep track of tasks in lots of different places?

Is your inbox full of unread emails?
Do you keep checking back on tasks?

Then I can tell you now that you will be missing many opportunities today.

When you have trouble managing your inbox, you have no idea how many opportunities, ideas and suggestions it contains. As a result, you work much less efficiently than you could. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

In the course of my four-month programme, you will leave the inbox you know behind and take full control of all emails, tasks and your calendar. And all you need is one tool: Outlook.

The programme consists of:

After four months, you will be working more efficiently and completing more tasks – every day!

You will also have a much better overview of your projects and achieve better results. What’s more, your colleagues, customers and business partners will perceive you as being more competent because you are in complete control of details and contexts that you perhaps overlook today.

You will be more successful and have more time.

The efficiency course is ideal if you:

  • Prefer a one-on-one programme, focusing exclusively on your own tasks.
  • Are too busy to attend a course.
  • Do a lot of your work on the computer.
  • Want to take a shortcut to your KPIs.

Why I am the right instructor

Michael Thygesen
Michael Thygesen

In 2013, after working in management throughout my entire career, I decided to specialize in using Outlook to improve efficiency. I wish I had known of the program’s potential earlier. I could have used the Outlook tools to create even better results in the companies where I worked.

Since 2013, I have concentrated exclusively on using Outlook to boost efficiency and improve meeting facilitationTherefore, if you want to take a shortcut to better results, my efficiency programme based on Outlook is an obvious investment.

Price: DKK 10,000 without VAT

If you would like more details about the program you are welcome to call me on +45 5250 5490, or send an email.

Courses and one-on-ones